Family | Sub_family | Genus | Species | Hodges | Species_Author | Common Name | State | Geometridae | Ennominae | Eutrapela | clemataria | 6966 | (J.E. Smith, 1797) | Curved-Toothed Geometer | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | auxiliaris | 10731 | (Grote, 1873) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | conjuncta | 10778 | (J. B. Smith, 1890) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | declarata | 10755 | (Walker, 1865) | | | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | detersa | 10838 | (Walker, 1856) | Rubbed Dart | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | divergens | 10702 | (Walker, [1857]) | Divergent Dart | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | flavicollis | 10864 | (J. B. Smith, 1888) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | mimallonis | 10738 | (Grote, 1873) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | montana | 10856 | (Morrison, 1875) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | obeliscoides | 10817 | (Gueenee, 1852) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | ochrogaster | 10801 | (Guenée, 1852) | Redbacked Cutworm | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | redimicula | 10851 | (Morrison, 1874) | Fillet Dart | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Euxoa | tessellata | 10805 | (Harris, 1841) | Tessellate Dart | IA | Pyralidae | Phycitinae | Euzophera | ostricolorella | 5997 | Hulst, 1890 | Root Collar Borer Moth | | Pyralidae | Phycitinae | Euzophera | semifuneralis | 5995 | (Walker, 1863) | American Plum Borer Moth | IA | Crambidae | Evergestinae | Evergestis | pallidata | 4897 | (Hufnagel, 1767) | Purple-backed Cabbageworm | IA | Crambidae | Evergestinae | Evergestis | unimacula | 4901 | (Grote & Robinson, 1867) | Large-spotted Evergestis Moth | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Evora | hemidesma | 2866 | (Zeller, 1875) | Spirea Leaftier Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Exelis | dicolus | 6479 | Rindge, 1952 | | | Noctuidae | Plusiinae | Exyra | semicrocea | 9024 | (Guenée, 1852) | | IA | Gelechiidae | Gelechiinae | Fascista | cercerisella | 2204 | (Chambers, 1872) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Feltia | herilis | 10676 | (Grote, 1873) | Master's Dart | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Feltia | jaculifera | 10670 | (Guenée, 1852) | Dingy Cutworm Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Feltia | subgothica | 10674 | (Haworth, 1809) | Subgothic Dart | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Feltia | subterranea | 10664 | (Fabricius, 1794) | Subterranean Dart | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Feltia | tricosa | 10675 | (Lintner, 1874) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Fishia | illocata | 9420 | (Walker, 1857) | Wandering Brocade | | Crambidae | Crambinae | Fissicrambus | mutabilis | 5435 | (Clemens, 1860) | Changeable Grass-veneer Moth | IA | Gelechiidae | Gelechiinae | Frumenta | nundinella | 2052 | (Zeller, 1873) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Fumibotys | fumalis | 4950 | (Guenée, 1854) | Mint Root Borer Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Furcula | borealis | 7936 | (Guérin-Méneville, 1832) | White Furcula Moth | | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Furcula | cinerea | 7937 | (Walker, 1865) | Gray Furcula Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Furcula | modesta | 7941 | (Hudson, 1891) | Modest Furcula Moth | | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Furcula | occidentalis | 7939 | (Lintner, 1878) | Double-lined Furcula Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Furcula | scolopendrina | 7940 | (Boisduval, 1869) | Zigzag Furcula Moth | IA | Erebidae | Scolecocampinae | Gabara | subnivosella | 8522 | Walker, 1866 | | IA | Pyralidae | Chrysauginae | Galasa | nigrinodis | 5552 | (Zeller, 1873) | Boxwood Leaftier Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Galgula | partita | 9688 | Guenée, 1852 | The Wedgling | IA | Pyralidae | Galleriinae | Galleria | mellonella | 5622 | (Linnaeus, 1758) | Greater Wax Moth | IA | Nolidae | Chloephorinae | Garella | nilotica | 8974 | (Rogenhofer, 1881) | | IA | Pterophoridae | Pterophorinae | Geina | buscki | 6093 | (McDunnough, 1933) | | IA | Pterophoridae | Pterophorinae | Geina | periscelidactylus | 6091 | (Fitch, 1854) | | IA | Autostichidae | Symmocinae | Gerdana | caritella | 1144 | Busck, 1908 | | IA | Pterophoridae | Pterophorinae | Gillmeria | pallidactyla | 6107 | (Haworth, 1811) | | IA | Crambidae | Glaphyriinae | Glaphyria | cappsi | 4874 | Munroe, 1972 | | IA | Crambidae | Glaphyriinae | Glaphyria | sequistrialis | 4870 | Hübner, 1823 | White-roped Glaphyria Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Glena | plumosaria | 6452 | (Packard, 1874) | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Glenoides | texanaria | 6443 | (Hulst, 1888) | Texas Gray | IA | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Gluphisia | septentrionis | 7931 | Walker, 1855 | Common Gluphisia Moth | IA | Pyralidae | Phycitinae | Glyptocera | consobrinella | 5745 | (Zeller, 1872) | | IA | Gelechiidae | Gelechiinae | Gnorimoschema | gallaesolidaginis | 1986 | (Riley, 1869) | Goldenrod Gall Moth | IA | Elachistidae | Stenomatinae | Gonioterma | mistrella | 1032 | (Busck, 1907) | | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | anna | 8176 | (Grote, 1864) | Anna Tiger Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | arge | 8199 | (Drury, 1773) | Arge Tiger Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | figurata | 8188 | (Drury, 1773) | Figured Tiger Moth | | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | parthenice | 8196 | (Wm. Kirby, 1837) | Parthenice Tiger Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | phyllira | 8194 | (Drury, 1773) | Phyllira Tiger Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | virgo | 8197 | (Linnaeus, 1758) | Virgin Tiger Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Grammia | virguncula | 8175 | (Wm. Kirby, 1837) | Little Virgin Tiger Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Graphiphora | augur | 10928 | (Fabricius, 1775) | | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Grapholita | fana | 3434 | (Kearfott, 1907) | | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Grapholita | interstinctana | 3439 | (Clemens, 1860) | Clover Head Caterpillar Moth | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Grapholita | packardi | 3428 | Zeller, 1875 | Cherry Fruitworm Moth | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Grapholita | prunivora | 3429 | (Walsh, 1868) | Lesser Appleworm Moth | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Gretchena | watchungana | 3261 | (Kearfott, 1907) | | IA | Drepanidae | Thyatirinae | Habrosyne | gloriosa | 6236 | (Guenée, 1852) | Glorius Habrosyne Moth | IA | Drepanidae | Thyatirinae | Habrosyne | scripta | 6235 | (Gosse, 1840) | Lettered Habrosyne | IA | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Haematopis | grataria | 7146 | (Fabricius, 1798) | Chickweed Geometer | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hahncappsia | cochisensis |
4969 | (Capps, 1967) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hahncappsia | mancalis | 4967 | (Lederer, 1863) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hahncappsia | marculenta | 4962 | (Grote & Robinson, 1867) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hahncappsia | mellinialis | 4973 | (Druce, 1899) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hahncappsia | neobliteralis | 4965 | (Capps, 1967) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hahncappsia | pergilvalis | 4968 | (Hulst, 1886) | | IA | Crambidae | Crambinae | Haimbachia | squamulella | 5482 | (Zeller, 1881) | | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Halysidota | tessellaris | 8203 | (J.E. Smith, 1797) | Banded Tussock Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Haploa | clymene | 8107 | (Brown, 1776) | Clymene Moth | | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Haploa | confusa | 8112 | (Lyman, 1887) | Confused Haploa Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Haploa | contigua | 8110 | (Walker, 1855) | The Neighbor Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Haploa | lecontei | 8111 | (Guérin-Méneville, 1832) | Leconte's Haploa Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Haploa | reversa | 8109 | (Stretch, 1885) | Reversed Hapola Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Acronictinae | Harrisimemna | trisignata | 9286 | (Walker, 1856) | Harris' Three Spot | IA | Zygaenidae | Procridinae | Harrisina | americana | 4624 | (Guérin-Méneville, 1829) | Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moth | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Hedya | chionosema | 2863 | (Zeller, 1875) | White-spotted Hedya Moth | IA | Gelechiidae | Gelechiinae | Helcystogramma | hystriculella |
2268 | (Hulst, 1889) | Lanceolate Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Heliothinae | Helicoverpa | zea | 11068 | (Boddie, 1850) | Corn Earworm Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Heliomata | cycladata | 6261 | Grote & Robinson, 1866 | Common Spring Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Heliothinae | Heliothis | acesias | 11072.1 | Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875 | | IA | Noctuidae | Heliothinae | Heliothis | phloxiphaga | 11072 | Grote & Robinson, 1867 | | IA | Noctuidae | Heliothinae | Heliothis | virescens | 11071 | (Guenée, 1852) | Tobacco Budworm Moth | IA | Pterophoridae | Pterophorinae | Hellinsia | unicolor | 6226 | (Barnes & McDunnough, 1938) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Helotropha | reniformis | 9453 | (Grote, 1874) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Helvibotys | helvialis | 4980 | (Walker, 1859) | | IA | Sphingidae | Macroglossinae | Hemaris | diffinis | 7855 | (Boisduval, 1836) | Snowberry Clearwing Moth | IA | Sphingidae | Macroglossinae | Hemaris | thysbe | 7853 | (Fabricius, 1775) | Hummingbird Clearwing Moth | IA | Saturniidae | Hemileucinae | Hemileuca | nevadensis | 7731 | Stretch, 1872 | Nevada Buckmoth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Hemipachnobia | subporphyrea | 10993 | (Walker, 1858) | | IA | Tortricidae | Tortricinae | Henricus | banus | 3775 | (Kearfott, 1907) | | IA | Tortricidae | Tortricinae | Henricus | infernalis | 3799 | (Heinrich, 1920) | | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Herpetogramma | aeglealis | 5280 | (Walker, 1859) | Serpentine Webworm Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Herpetogramma | bipunctalis | 5272 | (Fabricius, 1794) | Two-spotted Herpetogramma | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Herpetogramma | pertextalis | 5275 | (Lederer, 1863) | Bold-feathered Grass Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Herpetogramma | thestealis | 5277 | (Walker, 1859) | Zigzag Herpetogramma Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | averna | 7991 | Barnes & McDunnough, 1910 | | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | belfragei | 7988 | Grote, 1879 | | | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | biundata | 7995 | Walker, 1855 | Wavy-lined Heterocampa Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | guttivitta | 7994 | (Walker, 1855) | Maple Prominent Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | obliqua | 7983 | Packard, 1864 | Oblique Heterocampa Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | subrotata | 7985 | Harvey, 1874 | Small Heterocampa Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Heterocampa | umbrata | 7990 | Walker, 1855 | White-blotched Heterocampa Moth | IA | Lasiocampidae | Lasiocampinae | Heteropacha | rileyana | 7685 | Harvey, 1874 | Riley's Lappet Moth | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Heterophleps | refusaria | 7645 | (Walker, 1861) | Three-patched Bigwing | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Heterophleps | triguttaria | 7647 | Herrich-Schäffer, [1854] | Three-spotted Fillip | IA | Geometridae | Geometrinae | Hethemia | pistasciaria | 7084 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Pistachio Emerald | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Himella | fidelis | 10502 | Grote, 1874 | | IA | Coleophoridae | Blastobasinae | Holocera | spp | 1225.97 | | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Homochlodes | fritillaria | 6812 | (Guenée, [1858]) | | IA | Pyralidae | Phycitinae | Homoeosoma | deceptorium | 5944 | Heinrich, 1956 | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Homoglaea | hircina | 9881 | Morrison, 1876 | | IA | Noctuidae | Condicinae | Homophoberia | apicosa | 9057 | (Haworth, 1809) | Black Wedge-spot | IA | Noctuidae | Condicinae | Homophoberia | cristata | 9056 | Morrison, 1875 | | IA | Pyralidae | Phycitinae | Homosassa | ella | 6068 | (Hulst, 1887) | | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Horisme | intestinata | 7445 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Brown Bark Carpet | IA | Saturniidae | Saturniinae | Hyalophora | cecropia | 7767 | (Linnaeus, 1758) | Cecropia Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Hydraecia | immanis | 9513 | Guenée, 1852 | Hop Vine Borer Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Hydraecia | micacea | 9514 | (Esper, 1789) | Rosy Rustic Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Hydraecia | stramentosa | 9516 | Guenée, 1852 | | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Hydrelia | albifera | 7423 | (Walker, 1866) | Fragile White Carpet | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Hydrelia | inornata | 7422 | (Hulst, 1896) | Unadorned Carpet | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Hydriomena | divisaria | 7235 | (Walker, 1860) | Black-Dashed Hydriomena | IA | Geometridae | Larentiinae | Hydriomena | transfigurata | 7237 | Swett, 1912 | The Transfigured Hydriomena | IA | Sphingidae | Macroglossinae | Hyles | euphorbiae | 7892 | (Linnaeus, 1758) | Leafy Spurge Hawk Moth | IA | Sphingidae | Macroglossinae | Hyles | lineata | 7894 | (Fabricius, 1775) | White-Lined Sphinx Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Hymenia | perspectalis | 5169 | (Hübner, 1796) | Spotted Beet Webworm Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Hypagyrtis | esther | 6655 | (Barnes, 1928) | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Hypagyrtis | unipunctata | 6654 | (Haworth, 1809) | One-Spotted Variant | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | abalienalis | 8445 | Walker, 1859 | White-Lined Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | baltimoralis | 8442 | Guenée, 1854 | Baltimore Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | bijugalis | 8443 | Walker, 1859 | Dimorphic Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | deceptalis | 8446 | Walker, 1859 | Deceptive Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | edictalis | 8452 | Walker, 1859 | Large Bomolocha | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | eductalis | 8455 | (Walker, [1859]) | | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | humuli | 8461 | Harris, 1841 | Hop Vine Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | madefactalis | 8447 | Guenée, 1854 | Gray-edged Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | manalis | 8441 | Walker, 1859 | Flowing-line Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | palparia | 8444 | (Walker, 1861) | Mottled Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | scabra | 8465 | (Fabricius, 1798) | Green Cloverworm Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Hypena | sordidula | 8448 | Grote, 1872 | Sordid Bomolocha Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypenodinae | Hypenodes | fractilinea | 8421 | (J. B. Smith, 1908) | | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Hypenula | cacuminalis | 8376 | (Walker, 1859) | | IA | Notodontidae | Notodontinae | Hyperaeschra | georgica | 7917 | (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) | Georgian Prominent Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Hypercompe | scribonia | 8146 | (Stoll, 1790) | Gaint Leopard Moth | IA | Erebidae | Phytometrinae | Hyperstrotia | pervertens | 9037 | (Barnes & McDunnough, 1918) | Dotted Graylet | IA | Erebidae | Phytometrinae | Hyperstrotia | secta | 9040 | (Grote, 1879) | Black-patched Graylet | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Hyphantria | cunea | 8140 | (Drury, 1773) | Fall Webworm Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Hypomecis | umbrosaria | 6439 | (Hübner, 1813) | | | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Hypoprepia | fucosa | 8090 | Hübner, [1831] | Painted Lichen Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Hypoprepia | miniata | 8089 | (Wm. Kirby, 1837) | Scarlet-Winged Lichen Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Hyppa | xylinoides | 9578 | (Guenée, 1852) | Common Hyppa | IA | Pyralidae | Pyralinae | Hypsopygia | costalis | 5524 | (Fabricius, 1775) | Clover Hayworm Moth | IA | Erebidae | Hypocalinae | Hypsoropha | hormos | 8528 | Hübner, 1818 | Small Necklace Moth | | Erebidae | Hypocalinae | Hypsoropha | monilis | 8527 | (Fabricius, 1777) | Large Necklace Moth | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Hystrichophora | loricana | 3397 | (Grote, 1880) | | IA | Tortricidae | Olethreutinae | Hystrichophora | taleana | 3395 | (Grote, 1878) | | IA | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Idaea | demissaria | 7114 | (Hübner, [1831]) | Red-Bordered Wave | IA | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Idaea | furciferata | 7108 | (Packard, 1873) | Notch-winged Wave | | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Idia | aemula | 8323 | Hübner, 1814 | Common Idia Moth | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Idia | americalis | 8322 | (Guenée, 1854) | American Idia Moth | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Idia | denticulalis | 8333 | (Harvey, 1875) | Toothed Idia | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Idia | forbesii | 8327 | (French, 1894) | | | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Idia | lubricalis | 8334 | (Geyer, 1832) | Glossy Black Idia Moth | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Idia | scobialis | 8330 | (Grote, 1880) | Smoky Idia | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Ipimorpha | pleonectusa | 9555 | Grote, 1873 | Even-lined Sallow | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Iridopsis | defectaria | 6586 | (Guenée, [1858]) | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Iridopsis | ephyraria | 6583 | (Walker, 1860) | Pale-winged Gray | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Iridopsis | humaria | 6584 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Small Purplish Gray | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Iridopsis | larvaria | 6588 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Bent-Lined Gray | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Iridopsis | vellivolata | 6582 | (Hulst, 1881) | | | Limacodidae | Limacodinae | Isa | textula | 4681 | (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) | Crowned Slug Moth | IA | Erebidae | Phytometrinae | Isogona | tenuis | 8493 | (Grote, 1872) | Thin-lined Owlet Moth | IA | Gelechiidae | Gelechiinae | Isophrictis | rudbeckiella | 1700 | Bottimer, 1926 | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Isturgia | dislocaria | 6419 | (Packard, 1876) | Pale-viened Enconista | IA | Tineidae | | Kearfottia | albifasciella | 319 | C.H. Fernald, 1904 | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacabonia | grandis | 10300 | (Guenée, 1852) | | | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacanobia | nevadae | 10296 | (Grote, 1876) | | | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacanobia | subjuncta | 10299 | (Grote & Robinson, 1868) | Speckled Cutworm Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacinipolia | implicata | 10414 | McDunnough, 1937 | Implicit Arches | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacinipolia | lorea | 10405 | (Guenée, 1852) | Bridled Arches | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacinipolia | olivacea | 10406 | (Morrison, 1874) | Olive Arches | | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lacinipolia | renigera | 10397 | (Stephens, 1829) | Bristly Cutworm Moth | IA | Mimallonidae | | Lacosoma | chiridota | 7659 | Grote, 1864 | Scalloped Sack-Bearer | IA | Megalopygidae | | Lagoa | crispata | 4644 | (Packard, 1864) | Black-waved Flannel Moth | | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lambdina | canitiaria | 6893 | Rupert, 1944 | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lambdina | fervidaria | 6894 | (Hübner, [1831]) | Curve-lined Looper Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lambdina | fiscellaria | 6888 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Hemlock Looper Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lambdina | pellucidaria | 6892 | (Grote & Robinson, 1867) | Yellow Headed Looper Moth | IA | Prodoxidae | Lamproniinae | Lampronia | sublustris | 185 | Braun, 1925 | | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Lascoria | ambigualis | 8393 | (Walker, 1866) | Ambiguous Moth | IA | Erebidae | Pangraptinae | Ledaea | perditalis | 8491 | (Walker, 1859) | Lost Owlet Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lemmeria | digitalis | 9429 | (Grote, 1882) | | IA | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Leptostales | rubromarginaria | 7179 | (Packard, 1871) | Dark-ribboned Wave | IA | Erebidae | Erebinae | Lesmone | detrahens | 8651 | (Walker, 1858) | Detracted Owlet Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | adjuta | 10456 | (Grote, 1874) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | commoides | 10447 | Guenée, 1852 | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | extincta | 10439 | Guenée, 1852 | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | februalis | 10443 | (Hill, 1924) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | lapidaria | 10446.1 | (Grote, 1876) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | linda | 10445 | Franclemont, 1952 | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | linita | 10440 | Guenée, 1852 | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | multilinea | 10446 | Walker, 1856 | Many-Lined Wainscot | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | phragmitidicola | 10444 | Guenée, 1852 | Phragmites Wainscot | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | pseudargyria | 10462 | Guenée, 1852 | False Wainscot | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | scirpicola | 10455 | Guenée, 1852 | Scirpus Wainscot | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Leucania | ursula | 10461 | (W.T.M Forbes, 1936) | Ursula Wainscot | IA | Noctuidae | Condicinae | Leuconycta | diphteroides | 9065 | (Guenée, 1852) | Green Leuconycta | IA | Noctuidae | Condicinae | Leuconycta | lepidula | 9066 | (Grote, 1874) | Marbled-green Leuconycta Moth | IA | Cosmopterigidae | Cosmopteriginae | Limnaecia | phragmitella | 1515 | Stainton, 1851 | Shy Cosmet | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Lineodes | integra | 5107 | (Zeller, 1873) | Eggplant Leafroller Moth | IA | Sphingidae | Sphinginae | Lintneria | eremitus | 7796 | (Hübner, 1823) | Hermit Sphinx Moth | IA | Crambidae | Glaphyriinae | Lipocosmodes | fuliginosalis | 4888 | (C.H. Fernald, 1888) | Sooty Lipocosmodes Moth | IA | Limacodidae | Limacodinae | Lithacodes | fasciola | 4665 | (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) | Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Eustrotiinae | Lithacodia | musta | 9051 | (Grote & Robinson, 1868) | Small Mossy Lithacodia | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lithophane | antennata | 9910 | (Walker, 1858) | Ashen Pinion | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lithophane | bethunei | 9887 | (Grote & Robinson, 1868) | Bethune's Pinion | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lithophane | grotei | 9915 | (Riley, 1882) | Grote's Pinion | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Lithophane | pexata | 9922 | Grote, 1874 | | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Litodonta | gigantea | 7972 | Barnes & Benjamin, 1924 | | IA | Erebidae | Eulepidotinae | Litoprosopus | coachella | 8558 | Hill, 1921 | | | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Lobocleta | ossularia | 7094 | (Geyer, 1837) | Drab Brown Wave | IA | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Lobocleta | peralbata | 7100 | (Packard, 1873) | | IA | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Lobocleta | plemyraria | 7097 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Straight-lined Wave | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Lochmaeus | bilineata | 7999 | (Packard, 1864) | Double-lined Prominent Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Lochmaeus | manteo | 7998 | Doubleday, 1841 | Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lomographa | glomeraria | 6668 | (Grote, 1881) | Gray Spring Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lomographa | vestaliata | 6667 | (Guenée, [1858]) | White Spring Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Lophocampa | caryae | 8211 | Harris, 1841 | Hickory Tussock Moth | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Lophocampa | maculata | 8214 | Harris, 1841 | Spotted Tussock Moth | | Geometridae | Sterrhinae | Lophosis | labeculata | 7181 | (Hulst, 1887) | | | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Loscopia | velata | 9454 | (Walker, 1865) | Veiled Ear Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Loxomorpha | flavidissimalis | 5155 | (Grote, 1878) | | | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Loxostege | cereralis | 5017 | (Zeller, 1872) | Alfalfa Webworm Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Loxostege | sticticalis | 5004 | (Linnaeus, 1761) | Beet Webworm Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lycia | ursaria | 6651 | (Walker, 1860) | Stout Spanworm | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lycia | ypsilon | 6652 | (S.A. Forbes, 1885) | Wooly Gray | IA | Erebidae | Arctiinae | Lycomorpha | pholus | 8087 | (Drury, 1773) | Black-and -Yellow Lichen Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Lygropia | rivulalis | 5250 | Hampson, 1898 | Bog Lygropia Moth | IA | Erebidae | Lymantriinae | Lymantria | dispar | 8318 | (Linnaeus, 1758) | Gypsy Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Lytrosis | unitaria | 6720 | (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) | Common Lytrosis | IA | Pyralidae | Epipaschiinae | Macalla | zelleri | 5579 | (Grote, 1876) | Zeller's Epipaschia Moth | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | aemulataria | 6326 | Walker, 1861 | Common Angle | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | aequiferaria | 6335 | Walker, 1861 | Common Angle | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | bicolorata | 6341 | (Fabricius, 1798) | | | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | bisignata | 6342 | Walker, 1866 | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | distribuaria | 6336 | (Hübner, 1825) | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | fissinotata | 6348 | (Walker, 1863) | | | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | minorata | 6340 | (Packard, 1873) | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | multilineata | 6353 | Packard, 1873 | Many-lined Angle | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | notata | 6330 | (Pearsall, 1913) | Birch Angle | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | promiscuata | 6331 | (Ferguson, 1974) | Promiscuous Angle | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | signaria | 6344 | (Hübner, [1809]) | | | Geometridae | Ennominae | Macaria | transitaria | 6339 | (Walker, 1861) | | IA | Amphisbatidae | [Amphisbatinae] | Machimia | tentoriferella | 951 | Clemens, 1860 | Gold-striped Leaftier moth | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Macrochilo | absorptalis | 8357 | (Walker, 1859) | Slant-lined Owlet Moth | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Macrochilo | hypocritalis | 8357.1 | Ferguson, 1982 | | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Macrochilo | litophora | 8358 | (Grote, 1873) | Brown-lined Owlet Moth | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Macrochilo | louisiana | 8361 | (W.T.M Forbes, 1922) | | IA | Erebidae | Herminiinae | Macrochilo | orciferalis | 8360 | (Walker, 1859) | Bronzy Macrochilo Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Macronoctua | onusta | 9452 | Grote, 1874 | Iris Borer Moth | IA | Notodontidae | Heterocampinae | Macrurocampa | marthesia | 7975 | (Cramer, 1780) | Mottled Prominent Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Magusa | divaricata | 9637.1 | (Grote, 1874) | | IA | Lasiocampidae | Lasiocampinae | Malacosoma | americana | 7701 | (Fabricius, 1793) | Eastern Tent Caterpiller Moth | IA | Lasiocampidae | Lasiocampinae | Malacosoma | disstria | 7698 | Hübner, 1820 | Forest Tent Caterpillar Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Eustrotiinae | Maliattha | synochitis | 9049 | (Grote & Robinson, 1868) | Black-dotted Maliattha | IA | Sphingidae | Sphinginae | Manduca | jasminearum | 7783 | (Guérin, [1831]) | Ash Sphinx Moth | IA | Sphingidae | Sphinginae | Manduca | quinquemaculatus | 7776 | (Haworth, 1803) | Five-spotted Hawk Moth | IA | Sphingidae | Sphinginae | Manduca | sexta | 7775 | (Linnaeus, 1763) | Carolina Sphinx Moth | IA | Crambidae | Pyraustinae | Marasmia | trapezalis | 5288 | (Guenée, 1854) | Trapeze Moth | | Euteliidae | Euteliinae | Marathyssa | basalis | 8956 | Walker, 1865 | Light Marathyssa | IA | Euteliidae | Euteliinae | Marathyssa | inficita | 8955 | (Walker, 1865) | Dark Marathyssa Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Eustrotiinae | Marimatha | nigrofimbria | 9044 | (Guenée, 1852) | Black-bordered Lemon Moth | IA | Oecophoridae | Oecophorinae | Mathildana | newmanella | 1059 | (Clemens, 1864) | Newman's Mathildana Moth | IA | Erebidae | Erebinae | Matigramma | pulverilinea | 8679 | Grote, 1872 | Matigrammia Moth | | Noctuidae | Plusiinae | Megalographa | biloba | 8907 | (Stephens, 1830) | Bilobed Looper Moth | IA | Megalopygidae | | Megalopyge | opercularis | 4647 | (J E Smith, 1797) | Southern Flannel Moth | | Nolidae | Nolinae | Meganola | minuscula | 8983 | (Zeller, 1872) | Confused Meganola | IA | Nolidae | Nolinae | Meganola | phylla | 8983.1 | (Dyar, 1898) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Melanapamea | mixta | 9361 | (Grote, 1881) | | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Melanchra | adjuncta | 10292 | (Guenée, 1852) | Hitched Arches | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Melanchra | picta | 10293 | (Harris, 1841) | Zebra Caterpillar Moth | IA | Noctuidae | Noctuinae | Melanchra | pulverulenta | 10294 | (J. B. Smith, 1888) | | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Melanolophia | canadaria | 6620 | (Guenée, [1858]) | Canadian melanolophia | IA | Geometridae | Ennominae | Melanolophia | signataria | 6621 | (Walker, 1860) | Signate Melanolophia | IA | Erebidae | Hypeninae | Melanomma | auricinctaria | 8412 | Grote, 1875 | Gold-lined Melanomma Moth | IA |