Insects of Iowa

Dragonflies and Damselflies

Main Information Page

Dragonfly Homepage

This page contains information about dragonflies and damselfliesof Iowa. I have included photographs that I have taken. For complete information on Iowa Odonata,  please go to the Iowa Dragonflies site.

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Iowa Species List

Iowa Dragonflies and Damselflies


Odonata Families

Calopterygidae - Broad-winged Damsels

Lestidae - Spreadwings

Coenagrionidae - Pond Damsels

Aeshnidae - Darners

Gomphidae - Clubtails

Cordulegastridae - Spiketails

Macromiidae - Cruisers

Corduliidae - Emeralds

Libellulidae - Skimmers